Policy and Procedure
- Enroll a Student
- Eligibility
- Code of Conduct
- Out of District
- Telecommunications
- Student Services Manual
Enroll a Student
- Who is eligible to attend Carroll County Public Schools?
- What school will my child attend?
- Who can enroll a child in school?
- Where do I register my child for school?
- What documents are required to enroll a child in school?
- Where can I obtain an enrollment form?
- What additional documentation is needed when a student transfers from one school to another?
- How do I enroll a homeless child?
- How do I enroll a student who is in State Supervised Care?
Who is eligible to attend Carroll County Public Schools?
Students age 5 through 20, who have not already earned a high school diploma, satisfied graduation requirements for a diploma, or completed high school educational requirements in a foreign country are eligible to attend CCPS if the student resides in Carroll County on a full time basis with their custodial parent or court appointed legal guardian. Eligible students, age 18 or older, who are living on their own, may be eligible to enroll in school. Those students shall contact the Student Services Department at 410-751-3120 for further assistance.
- A student must be four years old on or before Sept. 1st to enroll in pre-kindergarten
- A student must be five years old on or before Sept.1st to enroll in kindergarten
- A student must be six years old on or before Sept. 1st to enroll in first grade
In limited and specific circumstances a kindergarten student may be eligible for an early entrance or a delayed entrance into kindergarten. Please see the Student Services Manual, Section I, and Section IV for more information.
What school will my child attend?
Each school serves a particular community. To determine what school serves a specific address, use the school boundary maps at the following link: School Boundary Maps
Who can enroll a child in school?
Only the biological parent, custodial parent, or court appointed legal guardian may enroll a child in school. A step parent, other relative, or non-relative shall not enroll a child. If you are the non-custodial parent, you must have a notarized statement from the custodial parent granting permission for the child to live with you, as well as, grant permission for you to enroll the child in school and make educational/medical decisions for the child. If you are not the biological/custodial parent or court appointed legal guardian, contact the Student Services Department at 410-751-3120 to inquire about enrolling a student.
Where do I register my child for school?
Registration takes place at your local school. Please call ahead to schedule an enrollment appointment. You will need to personally appear to register your child, complete an enrollment form, and other required documentation. You will need to bring proof of age, proof of residency, and proof of immunizations to the enrollment appointment.
What documents are required to enroll a child in school?
All students must have legal proof of age, proof of residency, proof of immunizations in order to enroll in school. Students entering pre-k, kindergarten, or first grade must also provide a completed Blood Lead Testing Certificate signed by a healthcare provider.
Proof of Age- One of the following documents, listed in order of preference, must be provided. The original document must be presented and a copy will be made.
- Birth certificate
- Birth registration notice
- Passport/Visa
- Physician’s certificate-signed statement by physician or midwife in attendance at birth as to the date shown on their records.
- Baptismal or church certification
- Hospital certificate – gives child’s full name, parent’s(s) name, DOB, signed by physician.
- Official school record
- Official court document indicating child’s birth date
- Parent’s affidavit – must be approved by the school’s Pupil Personnel Worker.
If you do not have any of these documents, please contact the Student Services Department at 410-751-3120 for further assistance.
Proof of Residency- One of the following documents must be provided.
- SIGNED Lease/Rental Agreement on a home/apartment in which the parent/legal guardian is currently residing (expired lease is not acceptable)
- Current Rent Receipt *
- Recent Bill for a service delivered to the residence including turn on notice or welcome letter (e.g., BGE, land-line phone, cable, oil, water) *
- Mortgage Statement/Bill *
- SIGNED Settlement Document
- Property Tax Bill from the current fiscal year indicating “Primary Residence”
- Deed (must show house number, street name and name of parent/legal guardian)
- Residence Verification Statement accompanied by an acceptable proof of residency for the owner/ lessee of the property.
- Real Property Data Search Report listing parent/guardian name and "principal residence."
If you do not have any of these documents, please contact the Student Services Department at 410-751-3120 for further assistance.
Proof of Immunization- You must provide one of the following documents:
- Clinic record or Physician Office record
- DHMH 896 (Immunization Record for the State of Maryland)
- Other State Official Immunization records
- Official School Records
- Baby Book (Must be signed by a physician)
All of these records MUST be signed by an authorized person.
The school nurse will review the record to determine if your child's immunizations meet current requirements.
Blood Lead Testing Certificate - A Blood Lead Testing Certificate must be completed upon a student's first entry into pre-k, kindergarten, or first grade. The form must be signed by a healthcare provider.
If you do not have any of these documents, please contact the Student Services Department at 410-751-3120 for further assistance.
Where can I obtain an enrollment form?
What additional documentation is needed when a student transfers from one school to another?
How do I enroll a homeless child?
How do I enroll a student who is in State Supervised Care?
- Extracurricular Activities - High School
- Policies Related to our Regulation
- Definition of Extracurricular Activities
- Other Definitions
- General Standards, Guidelines, Information
- Eligibility Based on Academics, Attendance, Conduct
- Exceptions
- Additional Information
Extracurricular Activities - High School
Participation in extracurricular activities, public performances, and/or student leadership positions is regarded as an important privilege for students.
Participation in such activities supports students’ personal growth and achievement and also gives students the opportunity to be representatives of and ambassadors for their school.
Carroll County Public Schools is committed to developing and maintaining a high level of confidence by the student body and the school community. Therefore, students who desire to participate in extracurricular activities are expected to meet standards in three major areas: academics, attendance, and conduct. Failure to meet appropriate standards in any one, or more, of these areas will result in a student losing the privilege of fully participating in extracurricular activities.
Policies Related to our Regulation
Definition of Extracurricular Activities
Extracurricular activities include, but are not limited to: participating in competitive activities, events or activity practices, and other student activities; performing in public beyond the class culminating performances; and/or, representing the school in an elected or appointed leadership position. Activities that are graded as part of a credit bearing class do not constitute extracurricular activities.
Other Definitions
- Academic Eligibility Time Period: the period of time between report card issue dates.
- Constructive Possession: failure to remove oneself as quickly and safely as possible from a person, area, or situation where alcohol/drugs are illegally possessed.
- Curricular Activities: those activities that are part of a credit bearing class whether they occur during the school day (e.g.; field trips), or outside the school day (e.g.; concerts). Music courses with a performance component will have one school concert near the end of each semester and one county-level assessment per year which are curricular. Music performances and activities beyond those stated in this definition are extracurricular.
- Eligible: meets the criteria to fully participate in extracurricular activities. In accordance with the Maryland Public Secondary Schools Athletic Association (MPSSA), students in grades 9 – 12 may be considered eligible for a maximum of four seasons in any one sport or activity.
- End of Marking Period: the date set by Carroll County Public Schools as the end of each grading period.
- Full-Time Student: enrollment of a student for more than fifty percent of the class periods occurring in a school day at a particular school; of the classes scheduled, more than fifty percent of the classes shall be credit bearing (i.e. in a four mod day, a student enrolled in 3 classes must have at least 2 credit bearing classes; a student enrolled in 4 classes must have at least 3 credit bearing classes).
- Ineligible: does not meet the criteria to participate in any way in extracurricular activities.
- Interim Report Period: A formal grade reporting date established for all schools that identifies the midpoint of a marking period.
- Leadership: elected or appointed student positions in school or county organizations which have, by the nature of the position, a leadership role (e.g.; SGA, class officer).
- Marking Period: a period of time, approximately nine school weeks in length, for which grades are calculated and then posted.
- Participation: involvement in one or more school sponsored events or activities.
- Restricted Eligibility: Student is not fully eligible to participate in extracurricular activities. Limited participation as part of a school sponsored team or group. May not participate in competition, public performances or leadership roles, but may participate in meetings and practices.
- School Day: one of the completed state mandated days of attendance as indicated on the official Carroll County Public Schools’ calendar. Eligibility shall be regained at the beginning of the next school day following the period of ineligibility. Please Note: Inclement weather days do not count as a school day in this regulation.
General Standards, Guidelines, Information
- A student shall be enrolled as a full-time student in order to be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities.
- A student shall be enrolled full-time in the school offering the activity in which the student wishes to participate.
- When a student is granted out-of-district enrollment based on an exception to Board of Education Policy JEA: Students Attending Schools Out of Attendance Areas, the student must continue to meet the conditions of the granted exception in order to maintain eligibility to participate in extracurricular activities. Failure to continue to meet the criteria under which the enrollment exception was granted shall result in immediate loss of eligibility to participate in extracurricular activities. In order to regain eligibility to participate in extracurricular activities, given that he/she meets all other eligibility requirements, the student must enroll in the school designated for the attendance area in which he/she resides. (See VI Exception)
- A student entering Carroll County Public Schools as a transfer student shall meet the same eligibility requirements as all other students enrolled in Carroll County Public Schools.
- Failure to meet appropriate standards in any one, or more, of the areas outlined in this regulation will result in a student losing the privilege of participating in extracurricular activities.
- The principal, in consultation with the appropriate Director, may declare a student ineligible due to the student violating Carroll County Public Schools’ policies and regulations not otherwise addressed in this regulation.
- Any student who is ineligible but participates in a contest/activity while ineligible shall cause the team/group to forfeit that contest/performance (MPSSAA Policy).
- A specific team membership, athletic position, performance role, leadership position, etc. may or may not be available for the student to resume, upon regaining eligibility.
- Each elementary and middle school has specific guidelines and requirements for one or more extracurricular activities offered at that school.
Eligibility Based on Academics, Attendance, Conduct
Academic Based Eligibility
1. Eligibility Standards, Guidelines, Information
- A student becomes ineligible for academic reasons if he/she earns less than a 2.0 weighted GPA for that marking period or receives a grade of ‘F’ for any course in which the student is enrolled during the marking period.
- A grade of Incomplete (I) is considered an F until the work is satisfactorily completed, unless an exception is made by the principal due to extenuating circumstances such as an extended illness.
- An indication of Withdrawal Failing (WF) is considered an F for the specific marking period in which it is received.
- All students entering 9th grade for the first time are eligible based on academics, during the first marking period of the 9th grade school year.
- Quarter grades are used to determine eligibility. Eligibility for the first quarter of the year is based upon the fourth quarter grades of the previous year.
- Summer school grades do not replace fourth quarter grades of the school year and, therefore, do not impact a student’s eligibility status.
- For students enrolled in concurrent enrollment course work at the college level, the final grade will determine the student’s eligibility, since quarter grades are not generated from the college.
2. Administrative Procedures
- The principal (or designee) will determine the eligibility status of students upon the issuance of report cards.
- The principal (or designee) will generate an “Ineligible List” for use by coaches and other extracurricular advisors and revise the list as needed (e.g.; due to the resolution of incomplete grades).
- Students who have lost eligibility for academic reasons shall not:
- Be a participant in a public performance for any extracurricular activity.
- Travel with a group/team for any extracurricular activity.
- Participate in any extracurricular activity including practice if the student is on an athletic team or other group for which there is a scheduled practice.
- Students who become ineligible for academic reasons may request in writing to the principal to be placed on restricted eligibility one time during their high school career. If the student does not achieve at least the minimum academic weighted 2.0 GPA with no F’s at the next interim report period, he/she will become ineligible.
- Students who have lost eligibility for academic reasons shall not:
3. Regaining Eligibility
Students will regain eligibility when a report card is issued which indicates the student meets academic eligibility requirements and upon approval of the principal in consultation with the coach/advisor. As an incentive for academic performance, a student will regain academic eligibility at the end of the interim report period if the student has achieved at least the minimum academic weighted 2.0 GPA with no F’s and upon approval of the principal in consultation with the coach/advisor. Requests to regain eligibility at interim report period must be made to the principal by the student.
B. Attendance Based Eligibility
1. Eligibility Standards, Guidelines, Information
- A student shall be in attendance for his/her scheduled full day in order to participate in any extracurricular activity occurring on that school day.
- Students who are tardy to school or leave early are not eligible to participate in extracurricular activities.
- A student shall participate in all normal school activities during the school day in order to participate in any extracurricular activity occurring on that school day.
2. Administrative Procedures
- Any student who is ineligible due to attendance reasons who then participates in an extracurricular activity shall be restricted from participating for a minimum of one additional contest/activity.
- A principal may allow an exception for approved professional appointments.
3. Regaining Eligibility
Students regain eligibility based on being in attendance for a scheduled full day and participating in all normal school activities on that day.
C. Conduct Based Eligibility
Eligibility Standards, Guidelines, Information
- Students shall follow Carroll County Public Schools’ discipline policies and regulations as outlined in the Board of Education Policies and Administrative Regulations Manual, the Student Services Manual, and the Student/Parent Handbook.
- Students who violate Board of Education Policies ADD, JK, JPA, and/or JFCG, the related administrative regulations, and/or the conduct based criteria for eligibility outlined herein shall be ineligible in some form to participate in any extracurricular activity as specified below.
- Conduct violations are outlined in three categories with specific consequences for the first offense and subsequent offenses.
- Violations are cumulative for the entire high school career of the student according to the attached charts of cumulative offenses. However, Category 1 offenses are not cumulative with Category 2 and Category 3 offenses.
- Violations in the spring season will carry over into the fall season.
2.1 Administrative Procedures for Category 1 Violations
Category 1 Violations include:
- Smoking or possession of tobacco products on school property or at school sponsored events;
- First Offense Category One Violation – The student:
- Shall be placed on restricted eligibility for 5 school days. In addition, at the discretion of the principal, the student may be restricted from participating in dances, proms and other student activities not otherwise listed in this regulation.May attend as an observer, but may not participate in a competition or public performance of the team/group for which the student is a member. The student may travel, sit with the team/group, and be in uniform.
- Second Offense Category One Violation – The student:
- Shall be placed on restricted eligibility for 15 school days. In addition, at the discretion of the principal, the student may be restricted from participating in dances, proms and other student activities not otherwise listed in this regulation.
- May attend as an observer, but may not participate in a competition or public performance of the team/group for which the student is a member. The student may travel, sit with the team/group, and be in uniform.
c. Third and Subsequent Offense Category One Violation – The student:
- Shall be placed on restricted eligibility for 45 school days. In addition, at the discretion of the principal, the student may be restricted from participating in dances, proms and other student activities not otherwise listed in this regulation.
- May attend as an observer, but may not participate in a competition or public performance of the team/group for which the student is a member. The student may travel, sit with the team/group, and be in uniform.
Cumulative Offense Chart Category 1
Category 1 |
Offense# |
School Days of Restricted Eligibility |
1 |
5 |
2 |
15 |
3 or more |
45 |
- Administrative Procedures for Category 2 Offenses
Category 2 violations include:
- Constructive possession on school property or at school sponsored events;
- Unauthorized possession or use of one’s own prescription medication, on school property or at school sponsored events;
- Violations resulting in suspension under the serious threats of violence regulations or violent acts regulations
- Possession or use (or demonstrating effects of use) of over-the-counter drugs/medications, in excess of the recommended dosage, on school property or at school sponsored events;
- Distribution of over-the-counter drugs on school property or at school sponsored events.
- First Offense Category Two Violation – The student:
- Shall be placed on restricted eligibility for 15 school days. In addition, at the discretion of the principal, the student may be restricted from participating in dances, proms and other student activities not otherwise listed in this regulation.
- May attend as an observer, but may not participate in a competition or public performance of the team/group for which the student is a member. The student may travel, sit with the team/group, and be in uniform.
- Second Offense Category Two Violation – The student:
- Shall be placed on restricted eligibility for 45 school days. In addition, at the discretion of the principal, the student may be restricted from participating in dances, proms and other student activities not otherwise listed in this regulation.
- May attend as an observer, but may not participate in a competition or public performance of the team/group for which the student is a member. The student may travel, sit with the team/group, and be in uniform.
- Third Offense Category Two Violation – The student:
- Shall be considered ineligible for the remainder of his/her high school career.
- In addition, at the discretion of the principal, may be restricted from participating in dances, proms and other student activities not otherwise listed in this regulation.
2.3 Administrative Procedures for Category 3 Offenses
Category 3 Offenses include:
- Possession, use, (or demonstrating effects of use) manufacturing, attempted distribution or distribution of any controlled dangerous substance, drug paraphernalia, inhalants, look- alike drug or alcohol on school property or at school sponsored events;
- Attempted distribution or distribution of prescription medicine on school property or at school sponsored events;
- Possession or use (or demonstrating effects of use) of medicine, prescribed for another, on school property or at school sponsored events;
- Use (or demonstrating effects of use) in excess of recommended dosage or misuse of one’s own prescription medicine on school property or at school sponsored events.
- First Offense Category Three Violation – The student:
- Shall be placed on restricted eligibility for 45 school days. In addition, at the discretion of the principal, the student may be restricted from participating in dances, proms and other student activities not otherwise listed in this regulation.
- May attend as an observer, but may not participate in a competition or public performance of the team/group for which the student is a member. The student may travel, sit with the team/group, and be in uniform.
- Second Offense Category Three Violation – The student:
- Shall be considered ineligible for the remainder of his/her high school career.
- In addition, at the discretion of the principal, the student may be restricted from participating in dances, proms and other student activities not otherwise listed in this regulation.
Cumulative Offense Chart Category 2 & Category 3
Category 2 |
Category 3 |
Mixed: Category 2 Then Category 3 |
Mixed: Category 3 Then Category 2 |
Offense # |
School Days |
Offense # |
School Days |
Category/ Offense # |
School Days |
Category/ Offense # |
School Days |
1 |
15 Restricted Eligibility |
1 |
45 Restricted Eligibility |
Category 2 First Offense |
15 Restricted Eligibility |
Category 3 First Offense |
45 Restricted Eligibility |
2 |
45 Restricted Eligibility |
2 |
Ineligible for Entire Career |
Category 3 First Offense |
45 Restricted Eligibility |
Category 2 First Offense |
45 Restricted Eligibility (due to progressive discipline and offenses being cumulative) |
3 |
Ineligible for Entire Career |
--- |
--- |
Any Third Offense |
Ineligible for Entire Career |
Any Third Offense |
Ineligible for Entire Career |
- Regaining Eligibility
- A student will regain eligibility for extracurricular activities only by successfully serving the time period of ineligibility, adhering to all appropriate policies and regulations, and complying with and completing substance abuse screening, assessments and recommended treatment.
- During the period of ineligibility, if a student is suspended from school for any reason, the length of ineligibility shall be extended for an additional ten (10) school days.
- A student shall not regain eligibility at any time after a third offense Category Two violation, second offense Category Three violation, or a third offense in any combination of the two categories.
- Exceptions to this regulation shall be made as authorized by the appropriate School Level Director.
- After two successful calendar years from the date of sanctions, a student who is deemed ineligible for their entire career may petition the Superintendent in writing to regain eligibility. If eligibility is reinstated, any further violation in any category shall result in loss of eligibility for the remainder of the student’s high school career.
Additional Information
- Violations of other disciplinary regulations, or behavior which is disruptive or detrimental to the operation of the school or the extracurricular activity, by a participant or a spectator will result in disciplinary action commensurate with the seriousness of the offense. That disciplinary action may range from a reprimand to permanent exclusion from the activity, and, for a student, loss of eligibility up to and including suspension from school as appropriate.
- The athletic director, coach or advisor may implement additional training rules and/or other regulations, with final approval of the school principal, which, if not adhered to, may impact eligibility.
- A student may be removed from a leadership role for misconduct, and/or violations of disciplinary regulations not otherwise outlined in this regulation. Decisions regarding such removal will be made by the principal, with input from the coach/advisor.
Code of Conduct
Out of District
Students Attending Schools Out-of-District
Application Process
The policy of the Board of Education is that students shall attend the school designated for the attendance area in which they reside. In some circumstances, students may be considered for placement outside of their designated attendance area. The Student Services Department shall consider such requests. CCPS will identify each school as open or closed based on student enrollment.
Enrollment in a closed school must meet certain criteria, click link for closed school criteria for out of district placement.
2024-2025 School Year Chart of Open/Closed Schools
2025-2026 School Year Chart of Open/Closed Schools
Students who currently attend a school as approved out-of-district students shall be automatically renewed through the completion of that school level unless held under review for poor performance.
First time applicants and students who are currently approved, but requesting an out of district placement at a different school shall submit an application. Applications may be obtained by clicking the link below:
2024-2025 Out of District Application- The 2024-2025 application is a paper application that must be submitted via US mail or email to lisacarver@carrollk12.org. Click the link below, complete the form, then print a copy to mail to Student Services.
2025-2026 Out of District Application- NEW PROCESS; The 2025-2026 application is electronic. Complete the application by clicking the link below. After completing the form, click the submit button. Prior to submitting the application, please review Out of District procedures including the list of open & closed schools, and eligibility criteria for a closed school.
2025-2026 Electronic Application
All 2025-2026 applications must be submitted by March 1st to be considered, in the event a lottery is needed. If March 1st falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, the deadline will be 4:00 p.m. the following Monday. A lottery will be utilized when requests exceed available seats.
Student Services staff will render a decision by April 1st for applications received by March 1st. Rolling applications are accepted through July 31st. Applicants who make an out-of-district request at other times of the year will be notified within ten working days of receipt of the application. Applications are accepted from the end of the First Quarter through the end of the Third Quarter for consideration of an out-of-district placement.
Note: A student will be approved for only one out-of-district placement in a given year.
Transportation to and from the out-of-district school will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian(s).
The Pupil Personnel Worker, with approval of the Director of Student Services/or his Designee, may rescind the out-of-district placement if one of the following conditions exist:
1. Student’s attendance, behavior, or grades are unsatisfactory
2. Student no longer meets out-of-district criteria.
3. The information provided in the out-of-district application is found to be false or misrepresented.
High School Athletic Eligibility
A student may be eligible for athletics in only one out-of-district high school. A student may be approved to attend a subsequent out-of-district high school; however, he/she will not be eligible to participate in athletics. Students who are attending his/her home school are eligible to participate in athletics.
Students approved for an out-of-district placement to attend a different school from the one in which they are currently enrolled who are CCPS varsity athletes during the preceding year will be placed on restricted eligibility for one year for the corresponding sport(s). Administrative Regulation JPA: High School Eligibility defines Restricted Eligibility – student is not fully eligible to participate in extracurricular activities. Limited participation as part of a school sponsored team or group. May not participate in competition, public performances or leadership roles, but may participate in meeting and practices.
Student Acceptable Use
The Internet and other instructional technologies are valuable tools for learning. The Carroll County Public School System recognizes the positive impact technology can have on education, while recognizing the challenges it also presents. It is to be used for educational purposes only. Students have no expectation of privacy for material stored or sent on school computers.
The use of telecommunications is a privilege, not a right, and is to be used for educational purposes only.
Student Expectations
Students May Not
- Use telecommunications for financial gain or any illegal purpose
- Degrade or disrupt the telecommunication system performance
- Access information inconsistent with curriculum-related purposes
- Reveal home telephone numbers, home addresses, or other personal information
- Violate the privacy of others
- Cyberbullying is strictly prohibited, as are other forms of computer misuse.
Failure to Follow Procedures
The consequences of unacceptable use are decided by the principal or designee and could result in cancellation of this privilege or other disciplinary action, up to and including suspension and/or expulsion. The consequences can be the result of actions taken by students at school or at home.
Student Services Manual
This manual includes administrative regulations for various board policies as well as procedures for handling a variety of student issues. The administrative regulations are also located in the Carroll County Public Schools' Policy Book. Some of the administrative regulations and procedures are excerpted in the CCPS Student Handbook. Both the Policy Book and Student Handbook are available online at the CCPS home page.