Health Services
Kerrie Wagaman
Faculty Information
Contact Information
Lisa Miles
Titles: Coordinator of Student Services-Health Services
Locations: Central Office
Departments: Student Services, Health Services
Phone Numbers:
Work: 443-293-5020
Carroll County Public Schools and Carroll County Health Department work together to provide a comprehensive school health program. Carroll County Public Schools employs full time nurses in every school to meet the health needs of the students. School nurses report to the Supervisor of Health Services. Carroll County Health Department provides personnel to perform vision and hearing screenings in the schools. Community health nurses regularly visit the schools for referrals to assist with community follow-up for student health problems.
The School Health Services Mission in Carroll County is established in the premise of that all children can learn.
The Mission of School Health Services is:
To assist students to reach their maximum health status, so they are able to learn to their full potential.
To work with the Educational Team to help assure that the unique physical, mental and developmental needs which impact their ability to learn are met.
To develop nursing objectives according to students' individual needs.
To be an integral part of the educational support system for all students, grades Pre-K - 12.
- Absence From School
- Chronic Health Conditions
- Communicable Diseases
- Confidentiality of Health Information
- Dental
- Forms
- Health Appraisals & Physicals
- Hearing & Vision Screenings
- Immunizations
- Lead Testing
- Medication Procedures
- MSDE Health Services
- School Health Council
- The Role of the School Nurse
Absence From School
Parents must provide written verification of their child's school absence's upon return. Schools may request a health care provider's note outlining any restrictions/accommodations if a student has been absent for an extended time, been hospitalized, had surgery, or suffered a significant injury. Students with health conditions which may require frequent and/or extended absences should contact the school to see if supplemental educational support would be available.
Chronic Health Conditions
Many students in our schools have chronic health conditions. These students receive care from the school nurse for routine treatments and emergency care.
The following websites will provide useful information on conditions commonly seen in our schools:
American Heart Association |
Management of Anaphylaxis in Schools |
If your child has a chronic health condition, please contact your school nurse to discuss your child's needs.
Communicable Diseases
Students exhibiting signs and symptoms of a communicable disease will be evaluated by the school nurse and shall be excluded from school until the student is no longer contagious. Students with temperatures of 100º F or higher will be excluded from school until fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication. Medical documentation from the student’s health care provider may be required for the student to return to school.
To obtain current information on communicable disease, please contact your school nurse, or you may access information through the Maryland Department of Health.
The website for communicable disease fact sheets is:
Maryland Department of Health
Confidentiality of Health Information
Confidentiality refers to the obligation not to disclose or transmit student information to unauthorized parties. CCPS requires that the student records are confidential and must be treated in accordance with state and federal law.
Student record information, including health and mental health information, are maintained confidentially.
Records are shared only when:
it is educationally relevant for a student's academic progress
necessary to address a student's potential emergency and/or health care needs
essential to ensure the protection of other students and school personnel
Regular dental examinations are recommended for all persons. Good oral health helps with good overall health. You are strongly urged to have your child's teeth checked every six (6) months. A record of your child's dental examination should be on file in his/her school health records. When you register your child, you will be given a form for your dentist to complete. Please return the completed form to your school nurse.
Carroll County Health Department's Pediatric Dental Clinic accepts clients enrolled in the Maryland Medical Assistance Program up to the age 18 and Maryland Children's Health Insurance Program (MCHP). MCHP coverage includes Priority Partners, MD Physicians Care, Helix, United and Americaid. For routine dental care, the child may need to be placed on a waiting list.
The Clinic is open Monday - Thursday. The Clinic is closed on Federal Holidays.
To reach the Carroll County Health Department's Pediatric Dental Clinic for an appointment, call (410) 876-4918.
In the case of a Dental Emergency, call (410) 876-4918. If no answer, call (410) 876-4852.
In-School Dental Clinics
The Big Smiles Maryland (Smile Maryland) mobile dentist program provides in-school dental care to students in the following schools. |
Cranberry Station Elementary | Robert Moton Elementary |
East Middle | Runnymede Elementary |
Ebb Valley Elementary | Spring Garden Elementary |
Elmer Wolfe Elementary | Taneytown Elementary |
Francis Scott Key High | Winters Mill High School |
Friendship Valley Elementary | Westminster Elementary |
Gateway High /Crossroads Middle | William Winchester Elementary |
Northwest Middle Sykesville Middle |
West Middle |
- Allergic Reaction Emergency Plan and Medication Orders
- Parent Health Questionnaire-Allergies/Anaphylaxis
- Parent Health Questionnaire - Cardiac
- CCPS Medication Safety and Effectiveness Waiver Form for Non-FDA Approved Medication for Pediatric Use
- Diabetes Medical Management Plan
- Parent Health Questionnaire - Diabetes
- Parent Health Questionnaire - Headaches/Migraines
- Lead Testing
- Maryland State Supplemental Form for Students with Insulin Pumps
- Medical Emergency Protocol
- Medication Form
- Physical Examination Form
- Parent Health Questionnaire - Respiratory
- Return to School Following Hospitalization or Surgery
- Seizure Action Plan
- Parent Health Questionnaire - Seizures
- Student Physical Education Modification Form
- Treatment Consent Form
- Tube Feedings
Health Appraisals & Physicals
Health Appraisal
As per COMAR 13A.05.05.07, A health appraisal for students identified through the review of records as having health problems or concerns shall be conducted by the designated school health services professional. The health appraisal may include health observations, interviews, and conferences with parents/guardians, students, educators, and other health professionals. Health appraisals shall be conducted as follows: The health appraisal shall take place not later than 6 months after the date of entry to a school system. The health appraisal of students with identified health problems shall be repeated as frequently as deemed necessary by the designated school health services professional.
Physical Examination
As per COMAR 13A.05.05.07, A physical examination is required of each child entering the Maryland public school system for the first time. The examination shall be completed within the period of 9 months before entrance or 6 months after entrance. The physical examination form designated by the Department of Education and the Maryland Department of Health shall be used to meet this requirement.
Hearing & Vision Screenings
Hearing and Vision Screenings are performed by technicians from the Carroll County Health Department annually, in every public school, when students enter the school system, first grade and eighth or ninth grade. If your child is not in one of these grades and you have concerns regarding their hearing or vision, contact your school nurse to discuss your concerns and have your child screened. Parents will be notified of any vision or hearing failures.
Maryland State Law requires all students to receive age-appropriate immunizations. The school must have proof of immunizations before allowing a student to begin school. These immunizations can be given at your health care provider's office or at the Carroll County Health Department.
(Please click on above link to access Certificate)
Immunization Clinics are held at the Carroll County Health Department. Call CCHD at (410) 876-4442 to verify clinic dates/hours and to make an appointment or email
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. I am coming from out of state, will the immunization record from my state allow my child to start school?
Immunization requirements sometimes vary from state to state, and your child must meet Maryland requirements to attend Carroll County Public Schools. The school nurse will review your child’s immunization record for compliance. Your child may start school if they have received the required vaccines. If your child does not meet Maryland requirements, you will be given a time frame to meet Maryland requirement (see question 3.)
2. What if my child received their first MMR or Varicella prior to their first birthday?
As of November 24, 2005, Code of Maryland Annotated Regulation changed to include the following "....A preschool or school, public or private, may count as valid, vaccine doses administered less than or equal to 4 days before the minimum interval or age." this means that your child is in compliance with the state regulation if he/she received either the first MMR or Varicella no earlier than 4 days before their first birthday. If it was administered earlier than that they must receive another vaccination or have a titer drawn that indicates they have immunity to the disease. If the blood titer does not show immunity, the child must then still receive another vaccination.
3. What if my child has had some immunizations, but not all, or I can't find my child's vaccination record? Can they start school?
In order to start school, you must inform the school nurse of an appointment to receive vaccinations within 20 calendar days of the start of school (or the earliest date the vaccine may be given). You must present proof of the vaccinations to the school nurse the next school day after the appointment, or your child will be excluded from school until the school nurse has verification of the vaccinations. You can also obtain your child’s immunization record by registering for Maryland's secure vaccination database, ImmuNet by going to MyIRMobile - MyIR Mobile.
4. What if my doctor is out of the vaccine?
If your health care provider is out of the vaccine, and your child is Vaccine for Children (VFC) eligible, you may call the Carroll County Health Department to schedule an appointment in their immunization clinic. Please call the health department at (410)-876-4442 or email for dates and times. Also, if you have private insurance or state insurance, you may check with your local pharmacy to see about receiving your childhood vaccination there.
5. Are foreign exchange students required to have proof of immunizations?
Foreign exchange students are required to meet Maryland Immunization requirements.
6. What if my child has a medical condition which prevents him/her from receiving vaccinations?
If your child has a temporary or permanent condition which prevents him/her from receiving vaccinations, your health care provider must complete the Medical Contraindication portion of the Maryland Department of Health Immunization Certificate (MDH Form 896). The health care provider must indicate if the condition is temporary or permanent. If the condition is temporary, the health care provider must include when the child will be able to receive the vaccination.
7. Immunizations violate our religious beliefs, can my child attend school?
COMAR 10.06.04, Required Immunizations for School Entry, allows parents to claim exemption to immunizing their child on religious grounds. You must complete the religious objection portion of the Maryland Department of Health Immunization Certificate (MDH Form 896). This exemption does not apply during an emergency or epidemic. If your child is not immunized, they may be excluded from school if there is an outbreak of a vaccine preventable disease. This decision will be made by the County Health Officer.
Lead Testing
Beginning with the 2003-2004 school year, all students in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and First Grade must have a completed DHMH 4620 Form on file at the school. The Health Care Provider must complete the DHMH 4620 form and sign it. Blood lead testing should be routinely done at 12 and 24 months. If the first test was done prior to 24 months, two lead tests must be performed. If the first test was done after 24 months, only one proof of testing is required.
If there is a religious objection to the testing, and the student lives or has ever lived in an at risk Zip Code, a Health Care Provider must administer a Lead Risk Assessment Questionnaire and sign the DHMH 4620. You may obtain a copy of the DHMH 4620 form at your Elementary School, or by clicking on the link below:
Medication Procedures
Parents should make every effort to arrange for medicine to be taken outside of the school day. However, there are occasions when it is determined by an authorized prescriber that a child must receive medication during the school day, either on a regular schedule or in the event of an emergency (such as bee stings, asthma or diabetes). When these circumstances occur, the authorized prescriber must give written approval and specific directions regarding administration. Forms for this purpose are available from the schools or from the Student Services Department. These medication consent forms are to be used for both prescription and over-the-counter medications. Students are not allowed to transport medications to or from school. Depending on the circumstances, violations of the Medication Procedures could be considered a violation of the Carroll County Public Schools Drug and Alcohol Policies, and carry the same consequences as other drug violations. No medication will be administered by the school unless it is in the original container marked for the individual student, and accompanied by the appropriate written permission and directions.
Medications for students on overnight field trips
On overnight field trips, the school administrator will follow the standard medication procedure enforced during the school day. Medication permission forms must be completed for any student to receive medication during an overnight field trip. These permission forms must be completed and appropriately signed by the parent and authorized prescriber. Medications shall not be shared. Any violation of this procedure will be subject to disciplinary actions under the Drug and Alcohol Policy. Contact your school for the complete procedure.
MSDE Health Services
School Health Council
Is an advocacy group for Comprehensive School Health Programs
Is supported by Carroll County Health Department, Carroll County Public Schools, and Maryland State School Health Council
Addresses problems involving any of the 8 components of the school health program
Offers suggestions to Carroll County Public Schools in the area of Comprehensive School Health
Meets bi-monthly during the school year. Meetings are open to interested citizens of Carroll County
For more information or concerns regarding the Carroll County School Health Council, call (410)-751-3124
To join the council, call the Carroll County Health Department at (410)-876-4927.
The Role of the School Nurse
- Provides acute/emergency care
- Manages chronic health condition
- Performs state mandated health screenings
- Prepares plan of care for student health conditions
- Administers treatments and medications
- Teaches students to manage their health conditions
- Initiates control measures to decrease spread of communicable disease
- Maintains health records
- Enforces state school entrance requirements
- Promotes healthy lifestyles
- Is a member of Student Service Team
- Is a member of 504/IEP team as needed
- Collects, maintains and analyzes health data to help improve services
- Educates students and staff on health issues