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About Carroll County Public Schools

Today, over 25,500 students are enrolled in our schools. The system is governed by the Board of Education, which is made up of five elected members and a student representative.

The Carroll County Public School System ranks as one of the top performing school systems in the state of Maryland. Instructional staff are continually recognized at the state and national levels for their performance with numerous awards. The educational programs developed in the Carroll County Public School System are also recognized statewide and nationally for their high standards and innovative approaches. 

Carroll County students consistently score above state and national averages on standardized student assessments. Carroll County also has one of the highest graduation rates and lowest dropout rates in the state. These factors, combined with the success of the outstanding Career and Technology Program, the support of the business community, and the involvement of parents in the county, help Carroll County to produce students who are college and career ready.

Strategic Plan 2023-2026

​Aligned with our Core Values and Beliefs, the Board of Education and Superintendent have initiated this Strategic Plan. The Board’s Strategic Planning Pillars provide the framework that serves as the focus areas for continuous improvement for the five-year plan.

A broad spectrum of data is utilized in the development of a Strategic Plan that reflects a shared consensus among stakeholders. The Board invested significantly in developing the Strategic Planning Pillars and objectives for the plan. The strategic planning process included extensive outreach with stakeholders, invited to participate in focus groups with key stakeholders. The input of community members, parents, employees, business leaders, and students informed the plan. The Strategic Plan is the result of considerable research and represents the shared values and priorities of CCPS community stakeholders.


 44 Schools
 22     Elementary Schools
 8   Middle Schools
 7   High Schools
 7   Special Schools & Centers 


Enrollment (9/30/23)
 25,787     Total Enrollment 
 11,935   Elementary
 13,852   Secondary


Student Race/Ethnicity (9/30/23) ​
African American 5.06% 1306
 American   Indian/Alaska Native  0.18%  46
 Asian  3.45% ​ 890
 Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander  0.28%  73
Hispanic 8.42% 2170
Multiracial  4.13%  1066
White 78.47% 20236 


Student Receiving Special Services (2022-23) ​
 Free/Reduced Price   Lunch​  27.9%  7210​
 Special Education​  12.5% ​ 3218
 Limited English   Proficient​  2% ​ 521


 Attendance Rate (2022-23)
 Elementary   93.1%​
 Middle  ​ 92.6%
 High   92.1%​


​  Graduation Rate (2021-22)
​ 4-Year Adjusted Cohort  ≥ 93.08%​