Title I
Title I is the largest federally funded program with-in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and authorized under the newest legislation, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015.
This program provides federal funds to school districts, including Carroll County, to ensure all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on academic achievement standards and academic assessments.
In Carroll County, elementary schools identified as having the highest free and reduced meal percentages are selected to receive Title I funds and programming.
Please access the Title I brochure by clicking here.
Please access the Maryland Statewide Family Engagement Center by clicking here.
Title I Schoolwide Program
All students attending a Title I Schoolwide program can receive the supplemental instructional services. The emphasis in a Title I Schoolwide program is on serving all students who show an academic need and improving the academic and social structures of the school by braiding all resources to enhance academic achievement.
Title I Targeted Assistance Program
To be eligible to receive services in a Title I Targeted Assistance program, a student must live in a Carroll County Public School district identified as receiving Title I Targeted Assistance funding. The student must currently be in grades Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 5 and be identified through multiple assessment measures to be at risk of not meeting academic achievement standards. Free and reduced meal status is not a criterion for receiving services.
Additionally, Carroll County Public Schools reserves Title I funds necessary to provide educational, support services to homeless children and youth, regardless of whether or not they attend a Title I school.
As prescribed in the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015, a uniform, county-wide plan which recognizes the parents of Title I students as partners in the education of their child(ren) is established. Parents and guardians are encouraged to help participate in the following activities:
- Monitor your child's attendance.
- Ensure homework is completed.
- Supervise the amount of time your child uses electronic devices or watches television.
- Volunteer in your child's classroom.
- Participate in any collaborative decision-making related to your child's education.
- Promote positive use of your child's extracurricular time.
- Stay informed of your child's education and communicate with the school.
Families have opportunities to participate in family learning events throughout the year, including conference nights and activities designed for family involvement/engagement and learning.
Parents have the right to access and provide input to the Carroll County Public Schools Title I Parent and Family Involvement Plan. Please click the link below to access the Title I Parent and Family Involvement Plan and/or the Parent and Family Involvement Plan evaluation tool:
*Any feedback or comments may also be provided to Dr. Kendra Hart, Supervisor of Title I.
To access the Complaint Procedure, click here.
Parents Right to Know Statement see below or click here.
The federal "Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)" of 2015 requires all school systems to notify parents of their right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child's classroom teacher and any paraprofessional providing services to the child. If you would like information regarding the certification and/or licensure qualifications of your child's teacher(s), please visit this Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) site. If you are unable to access the link or need information regarding your child's paraprofessional(s), please submit a written request to the individual listed below:
Director of Human Resources Department of Human Resources Carroll County Public Schools 125 North Court Street Westminster, Maryland 21157"Together, It's Possible."
Title I provides professional development opportunities on research-based reading and mathematics strategies to enhance instruction for students receiving Title I services. Title I schools provide the following:
- Deliver high-quality instruction in a positive learning environment.
- Hold parent-teacher conferences and provide parents with frequent communication on the child's progress.
- Host parent involvement and family engagement opportunities throughout the year.
- Include opportunities for parents to volunteer and participate in their child's educational career.
- Provide joint decision-making opportunities.
These instructional opportunities are provided by certified teachers and may occur during the school day, before and/or after school, and/or during the summer.
Title I Schools
Title I offers two models of support: targeted assistance and schoolwide support. Schools with free and reduced meal percentages at 40% or greater may be identified to implement a Title I Schoolwide program and a Title I Targeted Assistance program designated to support all students at the school.