A Professional Development School (PDS) is a collaboratively planned and implememted partnership for academic and clinical preparation of interns and the continuous professional development of both the school system and the instution of higher education (IHE). The focus of the PDS partnership is improved student performance through research-based teaching and learning.
Carroll County Public Schools works with three institutes of higher education to provide PDS partnership programs within Carroll County schools. McDaniel College, Stevenson University and Towson University work together to provide the intern teachers with high quality training and support to become effective teachers upon graduating from the university. In addition, CCPS maintians a similar relationship with Carroll Community College providing internship opportunities for students enrolled in preservice teacher courses. Carroll County employees benefit from participating in high quality professional development, reflective practices, and best practices within the classrooms resulting in higher student achievement.
The Department of Curriculum and Instruction oversees and provides guidance and support for the PDS schools and IHEs. Please refer to the list of schools and their current affiliate partner.