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Professional Learning

Mission & Core Beliefs

The mission of CCPS Staff Development is to provide high quality, differentiated professional learning opportunities that engage all members of the school community in continuous learning that results in student academic excellence.

  • All staff must possess and continually improve upon pedagogical techniques that result in higher levels of student achievement.
  • High quality, differentiated professional development that engages all staff members will result in staff learning that enhances instruction and assessment practices as evidenced by evaluations, observations, SLO’s, collections of student work, etc.
  • CCPS staff development initiatives will be viable, sustainable, align with system resource allocation.
  • CCPS and school based staff development initiatives will be articulated, monitored, evaluated, and have clear expectations and purpose.
  • Strong teacher and leadership induction programs will result in increased student achievement, increased leadership capacity, and higher rates of teacher and leadership retention within CCPS.


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