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Dual Enrollment

Get a jump start on college and prepare for your first college year while still in high school. Dual Enrollment allows high school students the option to earn high school and college credit at the same time.

As a result of Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, dually enrolled students attending Carroll County Public Schools (CCPS) may receive a 100% tuition and fee discount on their classes with Carroll Community College (CCC). Note this pertains only to courses taken during the school year.

Approved courses earning college credit will be awarded credit and be reflected on the high school transcript.

  • 1-credit and 2-credit college courses earn .5 CCPS credit.
  • 3-credit, 4-credit, and 5-credit college courses earn 1 CCPS credit.
  • Dual enrollment courses are transcribed with an additional 1.0 weight (5.0 scale).
  • Grades will be calculated into the student’s high school GPA. Subject-specific credits may count toward high school graduation requirements.
  • Students who withdraw from a dual enrollment course after the stated college withdrawal date will receive a “W” on their transcript.

Eligibility- Extra Curricular Activities- Dual Enrollment Implications & Reminders

  • A student becomes ineligible for academic reasons if he/she earns less than a 2.0 weighted GPA for that marking period or receives a grade of “F” for any course in which the student is enrolled during the marking period.
  • The final grade earned for dual enrollment will be identified in both the Quarter in which the course is completed and the Final Grade.  Quarter grades are used to determine Academic Eligibility and Final grades to determine GPA and Class Rank.
    • An indication of Withdrawal Failing (WF) is considered an “F” for the specific marking period in which it is received.
    • An Incomplete (I) is considered an “F” until the work is satisfactorily completed.
    • All courses, regardless of credits attempted, are calculated the same to determine academic eligibility at the end of each marking period.
  • Students must maintain Full Time Enrollment Status to maintain Eligibility.
    • A student who withdraws after the college withdrawal date will receive a W. Students who withdraw from dual enrollment courses may fall below the minimum credit requirement threshold to maintain full time status.
    • The student must be enrolled in at least 3 courses, 2 of which must be credit-bearing.

NOTE- Please reference Administrative Regulation JPA 2 of 2, High School Eligibility- Extra Curricular Activities for additional clarification.

Dual enrollment courses at Carroll Community College have been reviewed and several courses have been approved to meet a graduation requirement in the core content areas. To learn more about the courses that can meet a graduation requirement at Carroll Community College, communicate with your school counselor. 

An 11th and 12th grade student can request a Carroll Community College dual enrollment course to fulfill a graduation requirement. 9th and 10th grade students can only take dual enrollment for elective credits. 

Note: dual enrollment courses at post-secondary institutions other than Carroll Community College have not been approved to meet a CCPS graduation requirement. Credits earned at other post-secondary institutions may be eligible for elective credit.

 The Pharmacy Technician, Dental Assistant, the Advanced Welder and the Automotive Technician certificate programs at Carroll Community College are the sole non-credit programs currently that can meet a completer pathway. The non-credit course(s) are reflected on the high school transcript.  Note: To be eligible to enroll, students must have an 80% minimum attendance during the previous quarter prior to registration.

College courses taken during the summer must be pre-approved by the principal for credit to be returned to the student's high school transcript. There are NO financial discounts for summer courses. 

 Students are free to schedule online dual enrollment courses during their school day. Ideally these classes are scheduled during Mod one and four so that students can work on their coursework from home or Carroll Community College. When online courses are scheduled during mods two or three, the school will make every effort to ensure that students will have a seat in their learning lab or media center. *Before scheduling online dual enrollment courses during the school day, students should confirm availability of a seat for them in their school. Students who schedule three or four online dual enrollment courses during the school day should not expect to be granted a seat in their school. If a student believes they have a hardship or unique reason to request a seat they should schedule a meeting with the assistant principal responsible for dual enrollment before scheduling their dual enrollment courses to discuss their request.

 Carroll Community College & CCPS instructors who teach high school students can and are encouraged to communicate poor attendance, and low grades in dual enrollment course(s) directly with the student, using the college starfish platform. In addition, they may communicate directly to a high school counselor. All dually enrolled students are eligible for tutoring for all subjects; drop in, by appointment and online at no extra charge.

Note: Carroll Community College will share students’ enrollment status and grades with the home school counselor and other school personnel as appropriate.

DUAL ENROLLMENT – Criteria for Registration

Eleventh – Twelfth Grade Students
 If a student would like to enroll in a dual enrollment course and/or program at a local college during their junior or senior year, they must meet the following requirements.

  • 2.6 unweighted GPA required for ALL courses on Carroll Community College campus AND math courses at CCPS locations.
  • 2.5 unweighted GPA for non-math general education courses at CCPS locations.

NOTE: There may be alternative ways to enroll in a dual enrollment course e.g., placement test. Course Placement & Eligibility - Carroll Community College (

Early College/GT (ninth, tenth grade, and younger)
 Admission for ninth to tenth grade students will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Students will have an opportunity to receive dual credit for their college course.  The course will be included on their transcript.  An earned grade will be calculated into the student’s high school GPA.

  1. Must have a recommendation from a school counselor and principal plus placement into ENGL-101 is required; and only if applicable, placement into college level math per the Carroll Community College mathematics department’s placement measures.
  2. Per Carroll Community College: A ninth and tenth grade student’s GPA cannot be used for dual enrollment course placement.
  3. Ninth and tenth grade students may not take dual enrollment courses during the 4-mod school day. They may enroll in an online, evening or summer dual enrollment course.  Note: There are NO financial discounts for summer courses.
  4. Identified gifted and talented middle school students must complete a pre-approval form before beginning registration. The form may be obtained from a gifted and talented teacher or the school counselor.

 CCPS students who are under 16 years of age and identified as gifted and talented may apply to take college courses through Carroll Community College.  This is not a CCPS program; however, these college classes can be counted as elective credit on the student’s high school transcript with a pre-approval form.  College level classes taken prior to the junior year (11th grade) of high school do not count as MSDE graduation requirements.  College courses taken by middle school students cannot occur during the school day; students may take classes for enrichment outside of school hours or during the summer. 

CCPS – Credit Dual Enrollment (for new, returning, and CCPS students)
 Dual Enrollment - Carroll Community College (

Click here to complete a Dual Enrollment Request Form. 
 **Student must apply to CCC online – - BEFORE dually enrolling and registering at the college.