Second Chance Learning
Policy & Regulation
Report card grades shall be as pure a measure as possible of student achievement in mastering content standards and course outcomes.
Teachers are encouraged to provide second-chance learning opportunities (including re-teaching, extra practice, and the opportunity to demonstrate learning on another assessment) for all students, regardless of their achievement level.
- Either the teacher or the student can request second-chance learning.
- Teachers, students, and parents need to understand the differences between formative and summative assessments.
- Assessments should be designed using the backwards design method:
Course objectives → Summative assessments→ Formative assessments→ Lesson plans.
This alignment will facilitate the second-chance learning process. - Second-chance learning is permitted at teacher discretion. Teachers will specifically define their approach to second-chance learning in their syllabus.
- A reasonable time frame for completion and how completed will be agreed upon between the teacher and student.
- Under the direction of the teacher, students will develop a second-chance learning plan and provide evidence that they have completed the plan before they are allowed a re-assessment opportunity.
- Students may demonstrate their new learning through a variety of avenues, which may include alternate versions or formats of the assessment or a redo of just the portions on which they performed poorly.
- Replace the grade with the highest mark; don’t average the two.
- FLEX, SET, and academic development periods present a good opportunity for students to work with teachers on developing the second chance learning plan, or to demonstrate their new learning.
Formative Assessments
- Assignments designed to provide practice and to guide next-step instruction.
- For practice and feedback during the instructional unit.
- A piece of the whole learning.
- Given along the way.
- Weighted much less than summative assignments because learning is still forming.
- Following a formative assignment, appropriate to give second-chance teaching and practice.
Summative Assessments
- Assignments designed to evaluate student learning.
- For determining the breadth, depth, and quality of student learning at the end of the instructional unit.
- The whole learning.
- Given at the end.
- Weighted much more than formative assignments because instruction has ended.
- Following a summative assignment, appropriate to give second-chance learning and assessment.
Analogy: Learning how to drive
- Student enrolls in a driver’s education course (Instruction).
- Student studies the laws of the road.
- The student takes the law test to obtain a learner’s permit (Summative).
- Pass? Student progresses to practice road driving.
- Fail? The student reviews the laws in the driver’s manual and re-tests at a later date.
- Repeat until pass (Second-Chance Learning).
- Student practices with driving instructor and parents on the road (Instruction).
- Instructor and parents give feedback on driving (Formative).
- Student logs in 60 practice hours.
- Parents determine the student is ready to take the driver’s test.
- Student takes the driver’s test (Summative).
- Pass? Student gets driver’s license.
- Fail? Student practices more on road and re-tests at a later date.
- Repeat until pass (Second-Chance Learning).
Foundational Beliefs
- Learning the essential content is the best preparation for the world beyond.
- Second-chance learning helps to develop proficiency.
- To be effective, second-chance learning cannot consist solely of a retest. Academic gains result from a combination of remediation and retesting.
- Grades are not rewards, punishments, motivators, or compensation. They are a communication of learning that has been demonstrated.
- The goal is that all students learn the content, not just the ones who can learn on the uniform time line. Curriculum goals do not require that every individual reach the same level of proficiency on the same day, only that every student achieves the goal.
- Second-chance learning is inherent to the formative assessment process. In the formative process, learning is co-owned by teachers and students and therefore should lead to re-teaching and practice opportunities:
- Formative Assessments → Second-chance teaching and practice.
- Summative assignments are the culmination of learning and should be open to necessary remediation and demonstration of new learning:
- Summative Assessments → Second-chance learning and assessment.
- All students have second-chance learning opportunities, regardless of their grade on the original assessment. Educators shall support students who are seeking excellence.
- The demands of second-chance learning must be shared by the teacher and the student. Teachers provide the opportunity, and students take on the responsibility of completing some correctives and demonstrating their learning.
Dueck, M. (2014). Grading Smarter not Harder: Assessment Strategies that Motivate Kids and Help Them Learn. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
O’Connor, K. (2009). How to Grade for Learning, K-12. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
O’Connor, K. (2007). A Repair Kit for Grading: 15 Fixes for Broken Grades. Portland, OR: Educational Testing Service.
Marzano, R. (2000). Transforming Classroom Grading. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.