General Music/Vocal
Carroll County Public Schools offer all students in grades elementary through high school access to elective programs in choral music. The method of scheduling chorus in the elementary and middle school grades varies from school to school. Ask your school's music teacher how to get involved in the chorus.
In some middle schools, chorus is the music class that students select in place of the general music course offering. In this case, participation in the evening public performance is a requirement for this courses grade.
In elementary schools, chorus is an extracurricular opportunity that is scheduled as a pull out program. Choral music is one of the first opportunities a child's education for the child to formally reach beyond the required course of study into an elective. Children who study choral music develop a work ethic that emphasizes attention to detail and delayed gratification. These are two traits that are found in the most successful academic students. Since rehearsals are a pull out program, children will have the opportunity to develop habits of personal responsibility, such as making sure that they get any make up work completed that occurred while they were out of the room. Therefore, this is a discussion that parents should have with your child before joining the pull out choral music program.
Many parents wonder if their child is ready for this responsibility, but research tells us that students who participate in music pull out programs, academically out perform their peers who do not participate in the pull out programs. These benefits don't come easily but are well worth the effort required by the student and the effort of support given by the parent and the teachers.
The high school choral programs offer opportunities to explore sophisticated literature and active involvement in curricular as well as extracurricular music program experiences. Enrollment in these classes fulfills the fine arts graduation requirement mandated by the State of Maryland. The high school music programs offer course work that can provide students with the ability to begin their journey to have music as a profession or to gain a richer insight to a life long avocation.
Although many people in the community know the choral programs for their performances at the various school and community events, the focus of our program is on comprehensive musicianship – specifically, the development of musical perception, aesthetic sensitivity, and technical mastery. Certainly there are other social enrichment by-products and the development of priceless life skills learned by all of our music students, but these are in addition to the foundation of our program's number-one priority – music education of our students.
Day of the Concert General Information - March 21, 2025
Concert Date:
Ensemble |
Warm up Time & Room |
Performance Time |
Post-Performance Seating |
Parent Pickup |
Region One |
6:45 pm 2nd Floor Cafeteria |
7:30 pm |
House Left Balcony |
House Left Balcony |
Region Two |
6:45 pm 2nd Floor Cafeteria |
7:50 pm |
House Right Balcony |
House Right Balcony |
Middle School |
7:00 pm Instrumental Music Room |
8:10 pm |
House Left Floor |
High School |
7:00 pm Chorus Room |
8:40 pm |
Finale* |
9:10 pm |
* = All students will participate in the finale conducted by Paul Sharp (Westminster High School)
Elementary School
- There will be two honors choruses (Region One and Region Two)
- Each chorus will be directed by two music teachers from each region.
- Region One – Paul Ford & Brittany Shatuck
- Region Two – Mark Topper & Sarah Lange
- The directors will schedule and run the rehearsals at times and locations that the directors determine to best meet the needs of the members of each chorus.
- Students should arrive at the rehearsals with the music already prepared through the assistance of their home school music teacher.
- The recommended number of full ensemble rehearsals is 2-3. Teachers are asked to work during at least 2 of the 3 full ensemble rehearsal as coordinated by the conductors.
- March 19, 2025 has been reserved for elementary access to the Westminster High School auditorium (5:00-9:00 pm).
Student Involvement
- Each elementary school will send 8 students to the regional chorus.
- The students will be selected by the lead vocal music teacher at each school.
- Students should be selected to balance voices. Consideration should be given to ability and positive contribution to the development of the home school choral music program.
- Students should sing very well in tune with a pleasant tone quality and range that accommodates the chosen musical selections.
- Students must demonstrate exemplary behavior and attitude, and have a good attendance record. Parents must be supportive and aware of all required rehearsals.
- Selection of students should reflect careful determination on the teacher’s part with an eye towards promoting excellence in the festival honors chorus setting.
- The decision of the lead vocal music teacher is the final determining factor for selection.
Attendance Policy
Attendance at all rehearsals and performances is expected. If an emergency arises, it is essential that parents communicate the absence in advance via email or phone call to the home school teacher. Missing 2 or more rehearsals will result in dismissal from the ensemble. Attendance at the final rehearsal at Westminster High School is mandatory. Failure to attend the final rehearsal at Westminster High School will result in dismissal from the ensemble.
Concert Attire
Students should wear appropriate concert attire; remaining consistent with school dress code. Clothing should not be distracting so the focus is on the music rather than an individual’s attire.
- Long/Short Sleeve White Dress Shirt/Blouse (sleeveless is not appropriate)
- Black Dress Pants or Black Knee Length or Longer Skirt
- Black Dress Shoes (low heel and closed toe)
Middle School
Kim Hobbs will coordinate the Middle School Chorus.
Student Involvement
- Each middle school will send 10 students to the honors chorus.
- The students will be selected by the lead vocal music teacher at each school.
- Students should be selected to balance voices. Consideration should be given to ability and positive contribution to the development of the home school choral music program.
- The decision of the lead vocal music teacher is the final determining factor for selection.
- The middle school chorus will perform no more than 5 selections.
- Music will be selected by the guest conductor.
- The finale will be conducted by Paul Ford (Westminster High School).
- Students should arrive at the rehearsals with the music already prepared through the assistance of their home school music teacher.
- The March 12, 2025, rehearsal will be held at Shiloh Middle School from 6:30-8:30 pm. The March 18, 2025, rehearsal will be held at Westminster High School from 6:30-8:30 pm. Both of these rehearsals will be run by the middle school chorus teachers. The finale will also be rehearsed at the March 18, 2025 rehearsal.
- The March 20, 2025, rehearsal will be held at Westminster High School and will be run by the guest conductor.
- Teachers are asked to work during at least 2 of the 3 rehearsals as coordinated by Kim Hobbs.
- There will be an all-day rehearsal from 9:00 am – 1:30 pm with the guest conductors on Friday, March 21, 2025. There will be a lunch break for students to eat lunch that they bring from home.
Attendance Policy
Attendance at all rehearsals and performances is expected. If an emergency arises, it is essential that parents communicate the absence in advance via email or phone call to the home school teacher. Missing more than one rehearsal will result in dismissal from the ensemble. Attendance at all of the rehearsals at with the guest conductor is mandatory and missing any of the guest conductor rehearsals will result in dismissal from the ensemble.
Concert Attire
Students should wear appropriate concert attire; remaining consistent with school dress code. Clothing should not be distracting so the focus is on the music rather than an individual’s attire.
- Long/Short Sleeve White Dress Shirt/Blouse (sleeveless is not appropriate)
- Black Dress Pants or Black Knee Length or Longer Skirt
- Black Dress Shoes (low heel and closed toe)
High School
Paul Ford will coordinate the High School Chorus.
Student Involvement
- Each high school may send 10 students to the honors chorus. Each school should attempt to send 2 or 3 students from each of the 4 main voice parts.
- At least 4 students must be male voices. If a school does not have 4 male voices to contribute, the school will forfeit the number of participants that they are lacking in male voices. Report this reduction to the high school coordinator so other schools may invite additional male students.
- The students will be selected by the lead vocal music teacher at each school.
- Students should be selected to balance voices. Consideration should be given to ability and positive contribution to the development of the home school choral music program.
- The decision of the lead vocal music teacher is the final determining factor for selection.
- The high school chorus will perform no more than 5 selections.
- Music will be selected by the guest conductor.
- The finale will be conducted by Paul Ford (Westminster High School).
- Students should arrive at the rehearsals with the music already prepared through the assistance of their home school music teacher.
- The March 10, 2025, rehearsal will be held at Westminster School from 6:30-9:00 pm. The March 18, 2025, rehearsal will be held at Westminster High School from 6:30-9:00 pm. Both of these rehearsals will be run by the high school chorus teachers. The finale will also be rehearsed at the March 18, 2025, rehearsal.
- The March 20, 2025, rehearsal will be held at Westminster High School and will be run by the guest conductor.
- Teachers are asked to work during at least 2 of the 3 rehearsals as coordinated by Paul Ford.
- There will be an all-day rehearsal from 9:00 am – 1:30 pm with the guest conductors on Friday, March 21, 2025. There will be a lunch break for students to eat lunch that they bring from home.
Attendance Policy
Attendance at all rehearsals and performances is expected. If an emergency arises, it is essential that parents communicate the absence in advance via email or phone call to the home school teacher. Missing more than one rehearsal will result in dismissal from the ensemble. Attendance at all of the rehearsals at with the guest conductor is mandatory and missing any of the guest conductor rehearsals will result in dismissal from the ensemble.
Concert Attire
Students should wear appropriate concert attire; remaining consistent with school dress code. Clothing should not be distracting so the focus is on the music rather than an individual’s attire.
- Long/Short Sleeve White Dress Shirt/Blouse (sleeveless is not appropriate)
- Black Dress Pants or Black Knee Length or Longer Skirt
- Black Dress Shoes (low heel and closed toe)