Agriscience encompasses the production agricultural commodities, including food, fiber, wood products, horticultural crops, and other plant and animal products. Also, included are the financing, processing, marketing, and distribution of agricultural products; farm production supply and service industries; health, nutrition, and food consumption; the use and conservation of land and water resources; development and maintenance of outdoor recreational resources; and related economic, sociological, political, environmental, and cultural characteristics of the food and fiber system. Agriscience education is an area within occupational education.
Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education, CASE
Introduction to Agriculture Food and Natural Resources
Agricultural Sciences - Plant
Agricultural Sciences - Animal
Animal and Plant Biotechnology
Agriculture Business, Research, and Development
Students may earn 3 transcript credits from the University of Maryland, Institute of Applied Agriculture.
Agriscience Cooperative Work Experience
Agricultural Mechanical Technology
Environmental Conservation
Wildlife Management
There are three available completers in Agriscience:
CASE - Animal
CASE - Plant
Wildlife and Natural Resources
More information may be found in the High School Program of Studies and Career Pathways Planning Guide under Agriscience or in the Science Pathway.