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Grade 2

​In Social Studies, second graders explore the world around them with an emphasis on commerce, technology, culture, responsible citizenship, and geography.  Students are actively engaged in the learning process, conducting research, using geographic tools, and making real world connections to the content.

Units and Indicators


  • Draw maps of a room, your yard, and your neighborhood with your child.  Use direction words to discuss your maps.
  • Take your child with you to vote and explain how you make your choices.
  • Have a job your child is responsible for each day.
  • Talk about what school was like when you were young and when grandparents were young.
  • Take day trips to the Zoo, Gettysburg, Washington, D.C., Maryland Science Center, Walter's Art Gallery, B&O Railroad Museum, Baltimore Aquarium, and Baltimore Museum of Art.  Use floor plans and maps during your trips.
  • Write in your journal after a trip and do follow-up reading/research as a family.
  • Talk about your work and why it is important.  Take your child to visit, if appropriate.