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Grade 1

​In Social Studies, first graders establish an awareness of a variety of cultures and the basic likenesses and needs all people have.  The curriculum is designed to allow students to develop an investigative attitude about themselves, their society, and their world.  It provides students with opportunities to interpret, analyze, and apply significant and relevant facts about themselves, other people and their environment.

Units and Indicators


  • Help your child become aware of himself and others through discussions, stories, and pictures.
  • Provide opportunities to talk to older family members (heritage).
  • Keep a trip journal.
  • Point out destinations on maps (electronic and paper), tell them where they are going.  Include directional words--east, north, south, west.
  • Tell your child the proper names of places (example:  "Grandma lives in Towson, Maryland,"  or "Let's go to Target/Giant").