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Elementary Health Education is taught sequentially each year to all PreK - 5th grade students.  Health is considered a special area subject where students in grades 1 - 5 receive one hour of instruction each week.  PreK and Kindergarten receive 30 minutes of health instruction each week.

Health skills that students will develop include analyzing influences, accessing valid information, interpersonal communication, decision-making, goal setting, self-management, and advocacy for self and others.  

Health classes provide the opportunity to acquire accurate information and develop positive attitudes and behavior patterns to encourage a healthy lifestyle.  The curriculum provides age-appropriate information that includes mental and emotional health, substance use prevention, safety and violence prevention, healthy eating, disease prevention and control, body systems, and family life and human sexuality.  

A Family Life Advisory Committee reviews all curricular resources for the family life and human sexuality unit.  Parents have the option of two frameworks for the unit of family life and human sexuality or they may opt their child out of this unit.  



Family Life and Human Sexuality Indicators


Contact Info

Christine Tobias

Titles: Assistant Supervisor of Health Education
Locations: Central Office
Departments: Curriculum & Instruction
Phone Numbers:
Work: 410-751-3000