English Language Arts
We believe each one of our students will be able to read and
comprehend for different purposes, including enjoyment.
Therefore, we will provide every student explicit literacy instruction
in all contents that promotes the transfer of reading
skills relevant to academic and personal needs.
We believe it is our responsibility to ensure current research-
based instruction on the five components of reading to each ONE of our students.
Therefore, we will provide explicit instruction on the five reading
components: phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, and
We believe every student will progress in literacy.
Therefore, we will support, monitor, and communicate progress with
students and parents.
We believe in developing mindful communicators who are able to Read,
Write, Think, and Speak begins:
One School System at a time-
Therefore, Carroll County Public Schools will demonstrate
consistent commitment to content-based literacy improvement.
One School at a time-
Therefore, each school will monitor high expectations for
One Teacher at a time-
Therefore, we will provide teachers opportunities to build skills
and knowledge that expand their capacity to support literacy needs
of every student.
One Child over time-
Therefore, we will increase communication about students’ literacy
progress as they transition between grades and school.
- Maryland's College and Career Ready Standards
- CCPS Core Prevention Reading Programs
- CCPS ELA Instructional Routine
- Carroll County Writing Rubrics
Maryland's College and Career Ready Standards
CCPS Core Prevention Reading Programs
This document describes each research-based program and practice used in daily instruction for grades Pre-K-5.
CCPS ELA Instructional Routine
PreK & Kindergarten |
Students in kindergarten participate in whole group and small group literacy activities. Whole group activities include interactive read alouds of fiction and nonfiction text, shared reading of poems and songs, shared writing, and phonics/word work activities. Small group activities include targeted small group reading instruction, word work, and guided writing. Small groups are flexible and are formed based on students’ individual needs. While the teacher meets with small groups, students rotate through literacy centers. Literacy centers may include listening to books on the computer, playing phonics or reading games on the computer, independent reading/book browsing, word work games and activities, and independent and/or teacher assigned writing activities. |
Grade 1 & Grade 2 |
Students in first and second grade participate in whole group and small group literacy activities. Whole group activities focus on teaching comprehension strategies through interactive read alouds of fiction and nonfiction text. Students also participate in writing instruction focused on development of ideas, organization, style, and conventions. Phonics/word work instruction in first and second grade focuses on syllable types and patterns within the syllables. Small group activities include targeted small group reading instruction, word work, and guided writing. Small groups are flexible and are formed based on students’ individual needs. While the teacher meets with small groups, students rotate through independent literacy centers. Literacy centers may include listening to books on the computer, playing phonics or reading games on the computer, independent reading, word work games and activities, and independent and/or teacher assigned writing activities. Students may also write responses to texts read in whole group or small group. |
Grade 3, Grade 4 & Grade 5 |
Students in third through fifth grade participate in a Humanities block that integrates Social Studies and English Language Arts (ELA). Within this Humanities block, students receive both whole group and small group instruction which may use Social Studies texts to teach and practice reading comprehension strategies, vocabulary, and writing in response to text. Writing instruction in third through fifth grade focuses on three types of writing: narrative, informative/ explanatory, and opinion. With each type of writing, students are instructed in development of ideas, organization, style, and conventions. Writing may be based on Social Studies topics or connected to other classroom experiences. Word study instruction addresses word recognition, vocabulary, phonics and spelling. Word study may include Social Studies vocabulary, Greek and Latin roots, syllable division, and prefixes and suffixes. |
Carroll County Writing Rubrics
CCPS ELA Assessments
For more information about ELA assessments administered in CCPS, you can view details on the brochure.
Resources for Parents
How to Help Your Reader
Help your child find the right book |
Recommended Reading Lists |
Reading Accuracy and Comprehension |
High Frequency/Sight Words |
Word Study |
Additional Information for Parents | UFLI - Parent Resource Hub - This site includes a variety of language and literacy resources, organized by grade level: Birth-PreK-5, Primary (Grades K-3), and Intermediate (Grades 4-6). |
How to Help Your Writer
Encourage your child to write at home |
Revising and Editing with your Child |
Mechanics Expectations |
Maryland's Ready to Read Act
Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE): Supporting Students with Reading Difficulties
- Information about Maryland's Read Act of 2019
Carroll County Screeners, Assessments, and Dyslexia Information
- Carroll County Public Schools utilizes Acadience as the primary screener. Acadience is administered to all students in Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3.
- For more information about ELA assessments administered in CCPS, you can view details on the brochure.
- Additional Information on the Carroll County Public Schools Website: Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia Resources
Additional Dyslexia Information
- General Information about Screening for Dyslexia : Improving Literacy.org
- List of Early Warning Signs of Reading Disabilities by Age/Grade Level
- International Dyslexia Association: Dyslexia Basics | Additional Information