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Pathways to Careers

Every student is on a pathway to a career whether in the near or distant future.
But how does a student get there, and will he or she be properly prepared?
Has the student selected a career path suited to his or her interests and abilities?
Will the student be able to enter this chosen career directly after high school,
or will he or she need further training and/or higher education? These are all
important questions for the student to consider before entering the highly
competitive and technical workforce of the 21st century.

The Pathways to Careers, now part of the High School Program of Studies and Career Planning Guide, provides the direction needed to answer these questions. This innovative program is an integral part of the Carroll County
School Improvement Plan and has been developed to accommodate all students
in the school system. Consisting of six different career clusters (Arts, Business Contact,
Business Operations, Science, Social Services, and Technical), the
Pathways To Careers program:

  • helps students in making career decisions
  • identifies how specific courses correspond to specific careers
  • improves students skills and increases their potential for employability and further training and education

Pathways To Careers prepares students to create a career plan which:

  • allows them to move between job and further education
  • helps them to understand and have a knowledge of a variety of jobs within a career field
  • creates awareness of training and educational opportunities
  • provides opportunity for training, re-training and further education
    includes on-the-job experience