Content Areas
General Content Areas
- Agriscience
- Business Education
- Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS)
- Occupational
- Technology Education (Tech Ed)
Agriscience encompasses the production agricultural commodities, including food, fiber, wood products, horticultural crops, and other plant and animal products. Also, included are the financing, processing, marketing, and distribution of agricultural products; farm production supply and service industries; health, nutrition, and food consumption; the use and conservation of land and water resources; development and maintenance of outdoor recreational resources; and related economic, sociological, political, environmental, and cultural characteristics of the food and fiber system. Agriscience education is an area within occupational education.
Business Education
Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS)
Family and consumer sciences, human sciences or home economics, is an academic discipline which combines aspects of consumer science, nutrition, cooking, parenting and human development, interior decoration, textiles, family economics and resource management as well as other related subjects. Family and consumer sciences combines social science, including its emphasis on the well-being of families, individuals, and communities, and natural science with its emphasis on nutrition and textile science.
(Obtained from
Occupational education prepares students for a specific occupation, career field, or advanced readiness to enter a post-secondary institution. Areas include: agricultural, business, child care, construction trades, education, engineering, food service, health care, manufacturing, marketing, protective services, technical support, transportation technology fields, among others.
Technology Education (Tech Ed)
Technology Education is the study of the human-made/designed world. Technology Education provides an opportunity for students to learn about the processes and knowledge related to technology that are needed to solve problems and extend human capabilities. The goal of Technology Education is to advance technological literacy. Technology literacy is the ability to use, manage, understand, and assess technology. (Obtained from the International Technology Education Association, Standards for Technological Literacy, 2000, p. 242)
Middle School Content Areas
Family and Consumer Sciences
6th Grade
Sixth grade FACS focuses on personal human development. Special attention is given to positive self image, career awareness, personal care, management of time and money, and food selection and nutrition. Class activities include large presentations, demonstrations, laboratories, small group work, and individual projects.
7th Grade
Seventh grade FACS focuses on the individual and the family. Special attention is given to family roles and communication, family membership throughout the life cycle, nutrition, resource management, and career exploration.
8th Grade
Eighth grade FACS focuses on the individual, family, and society. Special attention is given to managing resources and exploring issues in society which impact individuals and families. Fifteen hours of student service credit are earned as a part of successfully completing this course. Activities include individual and group projects dealing with real life issues and situations.
Technology Education
6th Grade - Exploring Technology
In sixth grade, students develop an understanding of the progression and scope of technology. Through group and individual activities, students will develop an awareness of the designed (human-made) world. Students will begin to see the relationships among technologies and between other fields of study, specifically math and science. Through analyzing technological products and processes, students will assess the impacts of technology. Students will begin to identify that the core technologies are the building blocks to all technological systems. Problem solving skills are enhanced throughout the course using hands-on activities.
7th Grade - Invention and Innovation
In seventh grade, students will focus on the design process. Brainstorming, modeling, testing, evaluating, and modifying will be used to apply the design process in the invention or innovation of a new product, process, or system. Students participate in engineering design activities to understand how criteria, constraints, and processes affect design. Throughout the design process, students will develop skills to communicate design information. Students will learn how various inventions and innovations impact their lives.
8th Grade - Technological Systems
In eighth grade, students will learn how technological systems work together to solve problems and extend human capabilities. A technological system consists of parts (such as electrical and mechanical) working together to accomplish a task. Systems have inputs, processes, outputs, and feedback. This course will give students a general background on the different types of systems, how systems have evolved over time, how systems can be modified, and how systems work together.
High School Content Areas
Courses highlighted in blue are linked to informational brochures about the related Completer programs and course sequences.
For more details about the following course sequences and completer programs, visit the Program of Studies page.
Agriculture, Business, Research, and Development (Capstone)
Agriscience Cooperative Work Experience
Agricultural Mechanical Technology
CASE Agricultural Sciences - Animal
CASE Agricultural Sciences - Plant
CASE Animal and Plant Biotechnology
CASE Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Environmental Conservation
Flower Design
Wildlife Management
Business Education
Business Education
Honors Accounting I
Accounting II
Advanced Software Applications
Business Communications and Keyboarding
Business Law
Business Principles and Practices
E-Commerce and Entrepreneurship
Financial Management Using Software Applications
Advanced Marketing
Marketing Cooperative Work Experience
Office Systems Management
Occupational Programs
Academy of Health Professions
Applied Mechanical Engineering
Auto Service Technology
Biomedical Sciences (Project Lead the Way): Honors Principles of Biomedical Sciences - Honors Human Body Systems - Honors Medical Intervention - Honors Biomedical Research
Building Maintenance
Career and Technology Education Research and Development
Cisco Networking Academy
Collision Repair Technology
PLTW AP Computer Science - Computer Science Essentials, AP Computer Science Principles, AP Computer Science A, and Cybersecurity.
Cosmetology Careers Principles and Practices of Cosmetology - Advanced Cosmetology: Theory and Application - Mastery of Cosmetology
Culinary Arts - American Culinary Federation
Early Childhood Education Honors Child and Adolescent Development - Child Development Laboratory - Advanced Laboratory - Child Development - Early Childhood Education Seminar and Internship
Education Academy - Middle and High School - Teacher Academy of Maryland (TAM) Child and Adolescent Development - Teaching as a Profession - Foundations of Curriculum and Instruction - Education Academy Internship
Electrical Construction
Engineering (Project Lead The Way): Honors Principles of Engineering - Introduction to Engineering Design - Computer Integrated Manufacturing - Digital Electronics - Honors Engineering Design and Development
Financial Services - National Academy of Finance (NAF) Academy of Finance
Food Services and Hospitality Management (ProStart)
Heavy Equipment and Truck Technology
Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness - Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement
Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness - Geographic Information Systems and Technology
HVAC - Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration
Print Production
Textiles and Fashions Careers
Video Production
Welding Technology
Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS)
Advanced Foods
Advanced Laboratory - Child Development
Child Development Laboratory
Financial Literacy
Flower Design
Food and Nutrition Science
Honors Child and Adolescent Development
Independent Study - Family and Consumer Science
Introduction to Foods
Needle craft
Principles of Fashion and Interior Design