Career Connections
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- Benefits
- What is "Career Connections"?
- Rationale for Career Connections
- Activities
- Internships
- Career Coordinators
- FAQs
Career Connections Benefits
For Employers
Observe and evaluate potential employees in work settings prior to hiring
Strengthen their partnerships with parents, schools, and communities
Enhance the functioning of current employees who learn by teaching
For Students
Apply classroom learning in the real world
Develop career awareness
Focus on career versus job preparation
Develop & refine workplace skills
Exposure to professional role models and positive work ethics
For Educators
Increase opportunities for students to apply classroom learning
See student interest in education increase
Enhance their knowledge of career opportunities
Develop a better understanding of the business community
What is "Career Connections"?
Rationale for Career Connections
Success in our rapidly changing global economy demands more knowledge and skills than ever before. The best jobs will go to those who are both well-educated and highly skilled.
The changing workplace also demands other attitudes and skills, a good work ethic, critical thinking, communication, leadership and teamwork. Students need opportunities to develop all these academic, technical, and work-readiness skills.
High School Career Connections Activities - Related Internship or Work Experience; Concurrent Enrollment; Advanced Academic Skills; and, Job Shadows
Middle School Career Development Activities - Broad-based Career Explorations; Academic Foundations; and, Cluster and Pathway Selection
Elementary School Career Development Activities - Career Awareness and Self Awareness
Career Coordinators
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- What are the requirements for entering into a Career Connections activity?
- How many credits can I take and how many credits is an internship worth?
- When do I participate in the internship?
- How are internship sites found?
- What are the advantages of participating in an internship?
- I attend the Career and Tech Center. Can I participate in an internship?
- What should I do first?
What are the requirements for entering into a Career Connections activity?
How many credits can I take and how many credits is an internship worth?
When do I participate in the internship?
How are internship sites found?
Each school's Career Connections Coordinator will use their resources to find a location and the student will use their networking connections to find possible locations. Once a site is agreed upon the Career Coordinator then visits the site and determines if it is a good match and sets up the training plan and required paperwork in developing an internship or work experience.
What are the advantages of participating in an internship?
Colleges and scholarships are looking for the student with the "different" experience. Set yourself apart from the others.
- Develop and refine workplace skills.
- Apply what you've learned in your classes.
- Exposure to professional role models and positive work ethic.
- Eliminate or validate. An internship or work experience will assist greatly in determining if this is, or is not, what you want to do in the future.